It is amazing how so many people, when you compliment them for something you admire, will almost reject the compliment rather than simply saying thank you and allowing themselves to feel the benefits of being appreciated.
Lack of self-appreciation is one of the reasons people become depressed. Appreciating yourself is the most important component of self-love. However that sounds, it is hugely important, because if we don’t love ourselves, why would we even begin to expect anyone else to?
People who appreciate themselves usually have a good heart and are full of optimism. They love and appreciate the gifts that they have bestowed upon them. They feel comfortable in themselves and are known for their generosity and tolerance.
The expression of appreciation is essential for your emotional health and well-being. Appreciation is a skill that we can all learn. However, it must start at home. It has to start with an appreciation of yourself.
We have to take responsibility for being the best that we can be. So often we will compare ourselves to others, and if we do this, we run the danger of engendering two emotions: one of vanity or one of bitterness, because there will always be people we see as better or worse off than ourselves. It is also pointless to benchmark ourselves against others – using ourselves as our own benchmark is far more constructive.
Strive to be the best YOU can be.
Being the best that we can be is the most realistic ambition. We are essentially people in progress. I like this concept. It means that we can always improve, and as long as we head in the right direction with the right intention, then every breath we take is a breath worth taking.
"When you feel good about yourself, others will feel good about you, too."
Jake Steinfeld