Eddie Izzard doesn't see himself being any different to anyone else...

Ok, perhaps he accepts his cross-dressing makes him stand out from the crowd. But essentially, he’s the same as most - a little overweight, of average physical prowess, with limited athletic/sporting talent and some typical dietary weaknesses.

He firmly believes what we all have in common is a need to move about. To be active. To get up off the sofa and forage, explore, run around like the wild things we once were. This is fundamental to a long, healthy life, and feeling well, feeling good.

Accepting this changed a lot for the sweet-toothed, cake loving Izzard. A man with fears and reservations just like us all. But with a realisation getting up and going was the way forward. Literally. A route to a longer, more enjoyable and fulfilling life.

He shared this – amongst other, perhaps more colourful and amusing, stories at a recent client conference. A conference bearing the theme ‘Dream, Dare, Do’ – acknowledging how the ordinary person can achieve extraordinary things. In large part, a case of getting off the sofa and to steal a familiar sporting slogan, ‘just do(ing) it’.

Eddie has an objective to live to 104 (or thereabouts – he was specific, my memory isn’t quite). Why? Not to kick about for as long as possible, but in the belief that with an objective you can plan your way there and stand a better chance of arriving, or at least keeping in good shape on the journey. No talk of slowing down, or any notion of retirement. We’re animals with basic instincts to keep moving – just look at any child……before they discover games consoles and social media.


For a bit more on Eddie Izzard:

Hailed as the foremost stand up of his generation. Star of stage and screen. Tireless supporter of charity. Runner. Political campaigner. Fashion icon. Human. Eddie Izzard is all of these things and more. But what of his formative years? For more go to: http://www.eddieizzard.com/early-years