"People work for money but go the extra mile for recognition, praise and rewards."  Dale Carnegie, Leadership Training Guru. Lets face it… we all love to be rewarded and recognised for the hard work that we do.

Event Venue Sourcing in 2023 - Combining Sustainability, ROI Goals. Watch the panel discussion with Eventcombo and Rockitfish's Senior Project Manager Rachel McKeogh

A company summer party can be a fantastic way to reward employees, build brand awareness and promote team bonding. In 2022 the most popular theme for a summer party for our clients is undoubtedly the 'festival' theme. 

Company Summer Festival Ideas

Corporate festivals are a great way to bring employees and clients together for a day or two of fun, relaxation, and team building. There are many different types of venues that can be used to host a corporate festival, and choosing the right one can help to create a memorable experience.

I recently had the absolute pleasure of attending DBF Events – All About People. A fabulous 3 day event bringing event management professionals together, connecting agencies with a range of venue suppliers across mainland Europe.

With sustainability being a hot topic for corporate events, being offered to attend the Sustainability Conference at Rothamsted Enterprises Hertfordshire was something we simply could not miss.